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About Wood
Wood Type
Grain and Structure
Physical Properties
Freshly cut wood contains considerable water, which amounts to from one-third to more than one-half of the total weight. The drying of wood before it is processed into timber is called seasoning, and is done for a number of reasons. Seasoned wood is far more resistant to decay than fresh wood; it is much lighter and therefore less expensive to ship; it has much higher heating value, which is important if it is to be used as fuel; and, most important, wood changes in shape during drying, and this change in shape should be completed before the wood is sawed.

Wood may be seasoned either by air-drying or kiln-drying. Air-drying takes several months, whereas kiln-drying takes a few days. In both cases, the wood must be carefully stacked to prevent warping, and the rate of drying must be carefully controlled.

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